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Scott's Pizza Burger

286 Main Street North, Mount Forest , Ontario N0G 2L2


Food Restaurant

286 Main Street North,
Mount Forest, Ontario
N0G 2L2

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+1 519-323-4555

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Ratings & Reviews

(5 / 5) based on 5 reviews

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  • Thanks for making sure you're listed on google maps. We usually bypass Mount Forest on our way home. So glad we didn't this time. The reviews are right. Great food and service.
    By Darlene Jacques, June 19, 2017
  • I rate it the best restaurant in town. Excellent fish and chips
    By joe wettlaufer, March 03, 2017
  • It's a really great classic small town sort of diner
    By Ty S, December 22, 2016
  • Food is very tasty,,great food
    By Carol Driscoll, November 07, 2016
  • Excellent friendly service, food was delicious and fun inviting atmosphere.
    By Lisa Polselli, August 20, 2016
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About Scott's Pizza Burger in Mount Forest

Scott's Pizza Burger is a food and restaurant in Mount Forest, Ontario. Scott's Pizza Burger is located at 286 Main Street North.

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